Attorney at Law Dr Wolffhart von Auer

Attorney Wolffhart von Auer

Attorney Wolffhart von Auer




  • Wolffhart Auer von Herrenkirchen (aka Wolffhart von Auer) lived in Asia from 1985 to 2016 and was responsible for several German Banks in Taiwan, Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China, India, South Korea and Singapore.
  • Wolffhart von Auer holds a PhD in law on the subject of criminal law in China, Taiwan and the Sowjetunion, which also has been published as a book (in German).
  • Wolffhart von Auer has authored numerous articles and books on topics relevant to Asia.
  • Wolffhart von Auer regularly has been conducting workshops and seminars in English and German on Deception Detection and on recognizing Psychopaths in order to help unveiling the truth. The target audience of these events mainly have been members of the police, prison service, judges and legal personnel.